What the sea conceals, the tide reveals... but only for a fleeting moment.

The Grote Mandrenke - the Great Drowning of Men - devastated the North Sea coast in 1362. In your refuge on a tiny Hallig island, you survived while countless others perished.

When the tide retreats for miles each day, you venture across the exposed seabed - a landscape where drowned villages, shipwrecks, and ancient structures emerge from the mud. But as you defend your treasure and your life against creatures roaming the tidal flats, don't get caught by the returning tide.

Explore a (mostly) procedurally generated landscape that changes with every new tide, as the waves shift the sands of the Wadden Sea and carve new pathways. Also, meet singing lugworms!

Created for the GDFG#38 game jam ("Liquids") in Feb-Mar 2025. Development time: ~46 hrs.

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